Das Bavaria Stüberl

Folklore und eine gute bairische Küche entlang der Hauptstrasse von Jesolo Lido

Das Bavaria Stüberl in Jesolo hat sich seit Jahren als Treffpunkt für lustige Feste und Musikevents etabliert. Ein herzliches GRAZIE an alle Bands!

2025 = 30 Jahre Geschichte

Sowohl mittags als auch abends geöffnet (Saisonbedingt), bietet es Ihnen ein reichhaltiges Angebot an Speisen aus der Küche und aus dem Pizzaofen an.

Die bairischen Schmankerl

Sie haben eine große Auswahl an typisch bairischen Gerichten, wie Würstel direkt aus Bayern importiert, Schweinebraten, Schweinehaxe, etc. bis hin zum selbstgemachten Apfelstrudel, der mit Vanilleeis oder Vanillesauce serviert wird.

Eine Gaumenfreude direkt aus Bayern nach Italien importiert !

Die Biere

Zu den bairischen Gerichten aber natürlich auch zu all den anderen Gerichten können Sie aus einer Vielzahl von original importierten Bieren der Brauereien „Unser Bürgerbräu“ aus Bad Reichenhall und der Brauerei “Schwendlbräu” aus Tacherting auswählen.

Welches Bier wollen Sie probieren ?
Das Braumeister Hell, das Weißbier, das 5 Korn Weißbier, das Pils oder den dunklen Doppelbock “Suffikator”

Unsere Pizza

Bei uns können Sie eine wirkliche Holzofenpizza probieren, die Ihnen unser Pizzabäcker mit viel Sorgfalt und Liebe zubereitet. Es ist sein Augenmerk nur qualitativ hohe Produkte und auch frische Produkte der Saison zu verwenden.

Über 40 Pizza stehen Ihnen zur Auswahl, die Sie mit ihrer Familie oder mit ihren Freunden gemeinsam testen können.

Und dann gibt es auch noch unsere Feste!

Seit Jahren besuchen uns Musikerfreunde aus Bayern und Österreich, die mit ihrer Musik unseren Gästen schöne und lustige Abende bereiten. Auch diese unsere Musikerfreunde tragen seit Jahren dazu bei, dass das Bavaria Stüberl zu einem internationalen Treffpunkt für Feste und lustige Abende in Jesolo geworden ist! DANKE an Alle!

Schauen Sie die Videos unserer
Feste an



Schauen Sie, wie wir hier in Jesolo das bekannte Oktoberfest von München feiern.

Musikkalender 2025

02 – 03                    Bekk’s

30 – 31                      FredBrunsi Combo

04 – 05                    Backdraft

10 – 11 – 12              No name Band

18 – 19                      Sterrwood

25 – 26                     Los Chicos


01 – 02                        Host mi

07 – 08 – 09               Sunnseitn

14 – 15 – 16                 Rumdudler

21 – 22 – 23                 Naturall unplugged

28 – 29 – 30                 Sugar Souls

01                               FredBrunsi Combo

06 – 07                      Bekk’s

09 – 10 – 11                Life Jacks

13 – 14                        B – Side Band

19 – 20 – 21                CCR

26 – 27 – 28               Postamt Trio

05 – 06                     Traunsound

08 – 09 – 10 – 11      Edelstoff

18 – 19                       DBUSK

26 – 27                        Musibuam

03 – 04 Oktober      “OKTOBERFEST”

mit D’Jung Ottinger

Privacy Policy - Contact

In compliance with the Regulation EU 2016/679 and related national law, we provide to Data Subject the necessary information regarding the purposes and methods of personal data’s processing for what concerns the data released in the Contact form of this website.

The data’s processing is based on the principles of lawfulness, fairness and transparency, limitation of purpose and storage, minimization, accuracy, protection by all legitimate means of integrity, confidentiality and rights.

1. Controler

The Controller is TERRAZZA BAVARESE Srl in based in Via Toscanini, 40 – Jesolo – Venezia, Italy, contactable at: info@hotel-international.it.

The processing operations will be carried out by Data Handler appointed by the Controller, who will operate under his direct authority in accordance with the instructions received.

2. Purposes

The personal data, voluntarily provided by the Data Subject through the compilation of the Contact form, will be exclusively processed for replying activity and for sending information as required by the Data Subject and for the legitimate interests pursued by the Controller.

Will not be made any different data processing from the purposes specified here without delivery of the related Policy and the specific consent given from the Data Subject.

3. Obligatoriness or optionality of the given data

Fill the fields of the Contact’s form with personal data is optional except for those fields indicated as mandatory. The mandatory data are necessary to achieve the purposes and denial to provide them will determine the impossibility, for the Controller and his Data Handler, to send answers and information as request by the Data Subject.

4. Methods of processing

The data will be processed with IT tools in compliance with the security measures required by current legislation.

The personal data, given by the Data Subject by the compilation of the Contact form fields for ask question and / or ask information, will be stored in the relative application exclusively for the purposes indicated above.

The Data Controller undertakes to observe specific security measures to prevent the loss of data, illicit or incorrect use and unauthorized access, in full compliance with the law and regulations.

5. Lawfulness

The Data Subject must give his consent to processing his personal data for the purposes envisaged in this privacy policy to receive the requested information.

6. Data Communication to third parties

The data collected and processed in reference to this information is not communicated to third parties.

7. Time of conservation

The data will be archived for a period of 2 years after the last contact, unless the longer storage is legally permitted for other reasons or for the legitimate interests pursued by the Controller.

8. Data Subject rights

Data subject has the right to:

  • obtain confirmation of the existence of personal data concerning him, even if not yet registered, and their communication without delay in an intelligible form;
  • require information on your personal data stored by us (ex: origin, purposes, methods, categories, applied logic, retention period, rights, identification data of the Data Controller, subjects or categories to which data can be communicated) by writing us;
  • withdraw consent to the processing of data;
  • demand erasing of data;
  • require the transformation and / or the limitation or the block of processed data in violation of the law;
  • require updating, rectification or integration of data;
  • obtain his personal data, provided to the Controller, in order to transmit it to another Controller;
  • Ask for confirmation that the aforementioned operations have been brought to the attention of which data have been communicated, except in the case where this fulfillment is impossible or involves disproportionate duty respect to the protected right;
  • oppose, in whole or in part, for legitimate reasons, to the processing of personal data concerning him, even if pertinent to the purpose of the collection;
  • propose a complaint to the Privacy Authority (in Italy: garanteprivacy.it ).

For further information regarding laws and privacy rights, the Data Subject can visit the website of the respective competent Privacy Authority.

Privacy Authority in Italy: www.garanteprivacy.it .

The Data subject who wants to exercise his right must use the contacts of the Controller.